You are what you eat.
What you put in is what you get out.
These age old truths not only apply to humans – they are equally true for our domestic companions. It even holds true for cars and machinery! 😊
To have a healthy and happy animal companion requires feeding him or her specie appropriate food, in the right quantity, to avoid obesity and other health ailments and to help them thrive.
A specie appropriate diet for dogs, and even more so for cats, is a predominately meat-based diet that is high in animal proteins, very low in carbohydrates and free of grains. This is reflected in their physical features (or biology), such as the shape and size of the teeth and jaw, length of the digestive system and acidity level in the stomach.
Dry pet food or kibble has been highly processed and contain mostly carbohydrates and cheap fillers, with very little meat. These foods are also saturated with chemical preservatives and food colourings or flavourings, and often contain significant amounts of harmful pesticides, salt, refined sugars, food scraps, rancid oils and fats. Roughly 70% of all nutrients are destroyed in the manufacturing process and the proteins and fats are turned harmful to the body as a result of excessive heat. Furthermore, kibble does not contain any moisture and therefore does not move through the digestive system as intended by nature.
A specie appropriate raw food diet on the other hand contains a lot of moisture and thousands of health-giving, living nutrients that assist the body to operate optimally and remain healthy. Raw food is alive and regenerates the cells of the body by adding living vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Living enzymes are necessary for proper digestion. Raw food also provides antioxidants which slow down degenerative processes, disease and ageing.
Care should be taken not to over feed pets, even on a raw food diet. Obesity is largely a result of feeding the incorrect food at regular intervals, often coupled with lack of exercise. Animals in the wild do not sit down for a meal every day, but have to hunt which provides them not only with food when available, but also with much needed exercise.
Obesity can lead to a variety of health problems – especially in larger breeds or puppies. So don’t get sucked in by those hopeful eyes and be careful not to overfeed with food or treats!
Some pets tend to be underweight. This could be due to the breed type, anxiety or nervousness, or other types of illness. Consult with your vet if you think your pet might be sick or alternatively contact us – we are happy to assist in any way we can.
Keep in mind that the daily recommended feeding amount is only a guideline and should be adjusted up or down on a periodic basis, taking factors into account such as your pet’s metabolism, activity level, breed, age and whether the animal is over or underweight.
An easy test for an appropriate weight is to rub your hands over the rib cage area – one should feel a slight outline of the ribs, with a thin covering of skin and flesh, similarly to if one rubs over the top of one’s hand. Check with your vet if you’re not sure.
Most of all: keep it raw and real! 😊